Practice Refinance & Consolidation
There are many reasons to Refinance and/or Consolidate practice debt.
Lower your monthly Debt Payments & Increase cash flow
Switch from variable debt to fixed debt
Lower your interest rate
Use the savings to reinvest in your practice
Help fund retirement
Simplify your finances
Convert Credit Card Debt into something manageable
Untie assets
We offer SBA and Conventional Loans.
Conventional - Best Terms
Concentrating on Dentist, Vets, Optometrist and Medical Doctors
Practice Loans from 5.35%-6.00% Fixed for 10 Years.
Practice Loans payments can be Amortized up to 15 Years for increased cash flow
Consolidate Equipment Debts, Credit Lines & Add Working Capital
Low Fees and Closing Cost - Faster, Less Paperwork & Less Headache
If you had to add collateral such as a lien on personal property – we will release the lien at closing
SBA Aggressive Underwriting
Concentrating on all Specialties
SBA promotes community job retention and economic growth
SBA loans help doctors that have received unreasonable terms
Lower Credit Scores and/or past issues can be mitigated
Projections Can push deals to approvals (we can help with projections)
10 Year Terms with increased working capital
Government backs 75% of the loan so we can take added risk
Call us today to for a free consultation 888-711-0808.